ON THIS PAGE (listed alphabetically):
• Land of Canaan Foundation
• Middle East Children’s Alliance
• Pal Craftaid
• Palbox
• Palestine Online Store
• Resistance Art
• Sindyanna of Galilee
One of the easiest and most enjoyable ways of supporting the Palestinian people is buying Palestinian products, for yourself and for gifts. There are many places online to do that and we have a few featured here. Many of these products have been imported from Palestine and are available to order from sources in the US. Some are solidarity products, such as pins and T-shirts, that are produced outside of Palestine.
Palestine Portal does not seek to promote any vendor and these sources are provided simply for our visitors’ convenience. You may find other sources online that you prefer.
See ideas for selling Palestinian products at your church or in your community at our Palestine Fair Trade Market page, another great way to support the Palestinian economy, especially during the holiday season! Don’t forget to have at least one handout to give them: your fair can be an opportunity to educate shoppers about the wonderful people who produced these beautiful and delicious items.
We would welcome suggestions of other sources for Palestinian products. Contact us at: [email protected].
Land of Canaan Foundation
Canaan Palestine is dedicated to artisan quality olive oil and other products. A social entrepreneurship firm, Canaan is based in Jenin, Palestine. Canaan sources agricultural food products from a network of 49 cooperatives organized in the Palestine Fair Trade Association with membership numbering more than 1,700 farm families. Canaan products are certified fair trade; most are USDA organic and can be found at specialty and organic shops across the USA and Europe. Canaan’s olives and olive oil are highly prized and valued for the wide impact they have on producers’ communities through fair trade practices.
Canaan-USA is a sister company of Canaan Palestine staffed by dedicated professionals with extensive experience and committed to serving Palestinian farmers. We distribute Canaan branded products in the USA. We sell to community organizations, food coops, and gourmet and specialty stores.
Canaan-USA distributes from a warehouse in Monroe Township, New Jersey. We sell by the case from our retail web shop, wholesale and through regional distributors to stores and coops. Our interfaith program provides sales through community organizations.
Canaan-USA also helps build Canaan’s community in the USA, encourages tours to Palestine. We support olive tree planting through the Trees for Life program, tractor conversion through the Green Track Palestine program, and women’s cooperatives and farmer education, all through The Land of Canaan Foundation, an American non-profit organization.
Direct import: If you want to import wholesale directly from Palestine, or learn more about our company in Palestine, please visit Canaan Palestine at www.CanaanPalestine.com.
Support: If you are interested in helping sustain the traditional farming communities of Palestine, please visit The Land of Canaan Foundation.
See also: http://www.canaanfairtrade.com/
Through a combination of extensive education and training, organic and fair trade certification, and community empowerment programs, Canaan Fair Trade, a Palestinian commercial enterprise, enables small farmers and women organized in village cooperatives to pool their resources and have direct access to long-term global market opportunities. Specifically the initiative creates economic stability for rural Palestinian communities caught in the midst of conflict by cultivating local and global partnerships that are invested in creating economically viable and environmentally sustainable farming in Palestine. Canaan combines traditional farming practices with cutting edge innovations in farming and production through research and development to enhance product yield and quality, resulting in premium products that are competitive in global markets. As a result small farmers and women are able to earn a living, maintain their relationship to their land, and provide a future for their children.
Canaan believes that Fair Trade is about much more than better pay, or decent working conditions. At its heart, Fair Trade is about connecting people across the Globe in a spirit of equity, trust and openness. Each of the thousands of families that are part of the project has a story to tell. Fair trade is meaningful to every family in so many different ways. Perhaps its most notable impact is in creating hope and transforming the lives of the remarkable growers and communities that we work with.
Canaan has embarked on a three year project to interview and photograph members of all the over 50 PFTA cooperatives, both farmer and women’s cooperatives, that we partner with. Below are just a few of those profiles. We hope you enjoy meeting our farmers. Check back often. We will be posting more farmers’ and women’s stories soon.
Read the Family Stories here: http://www.canaanfairtrade.com/meet-our-farmers-1.php
Support: If you are interested in helping sustain the traditional farming communities of Palestine, please visit The Land of Canaan Foundation: https://www.landofcanaanfoundation.org/
Middle East Children’s Alliance
MECA Shop Palestine
Website: https://www.shoppalestine.org
Shop for a Cause, Shop Palestine. As part of our work to aid Palestinian children and families, the Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) buys and sells Palestinian crafts and goods to support the talented craftspeople in Palestine, help them generate income, and protect their way of life.
Their website store listings include:
Hand-Woven Rugs,
Hebron Glass,
Books & Prints,
Gift Ideas,
Olivewood Products,
Gourmet Marketplace,
Gaza Corner,
Palestine Solidarity,
Apparel & Jewelry,
Home Decor,
Body Products
Read about the Palestinians who produce the products sold at MECA’s Shop Palestine: http://www.shoppalestine.org/Articles.asp?ID=253
Additional proceeds from sale of these items will be used to support our programs in Palestine.
Pal Craftaid
Website: http://palcraftaid.org
Pal Craftaid’s mission is:
To bring compassion, hope and healing for all Palestinians.
In the fall of 1993, the Rev. Elizabeth Knott learned of the increased hardships for Palestinians. She started Pal Craftaid as a short term venture, importing Palestinian sculpted olive wood and sending the proceeds back to Palestine to help a few families survive economically and gain hope. What was conceived as a short term, stop-gap effort has extended to the current time.
Pal Craftaid now works with several groups of Palestinian artisans in the West Bank and Gaza, including:
- The Bethlehem Arab Women’s Union,
- The Il Bambino Shop in Bethlehem, and
- The Melia Art and Training Center in East Jerusalem.
Our fair-trade relationship with these and other vendors allows us to raise funds for a variety of health and education ministries such as:
- Aid to the Aged,
- The Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children,
- The Rawdat El-Zuhur School,
- The Arab Orthodox Society, and
- The YWCA of Palestine
Website: https://www.palbox.org/
Support Artisans
Each box contains a hand curated art of craft item from Palestine.
Past items have included downloadable music, ceramics, and keffiyehs.
We’re always looking for new ways to bring a slice of Palestine to your door and to support Palestinian artisans.
Buy Palestinian
By supporting Palestinian farmers, you support the Palestinian economy.
Profits of each box goes to support the Northern California branch of the International Solidarity Movement
Get Hungry
Mouth watering organic, extra virgin. fair trade, Palestinian olive oil and za’atar.
Some olive trees are more than a millennium old.
The za’atar (thyme, sesame, sumac, sea salt) is wild gathered for a mild but savory authentic taste of Palestine.
Ships on the first of every month.
Cost is roughly $40 a month, billed quarterly ($119 billed every three months)
Or pay for a year in advance for a cost of roughly $32 a month, actual total is $380.
You can also order just one PalBox for $119.
The makings of Palbox
Palbox is about the best that Palestine has to offer. Palestine is known for some of the finest olive oil in the Middle East, some of it from trees more than a millennium old. Its wild gathered herbs have a mild but savory flavor that is unmatched elsewhere. It is home to some of the oldest soap factories in the world still producing olive oil soap of the kind brought back to Europe by the crusaders.
Palestine also has artists in music and the visual arts that speak to everyone who loves both traditional and popular culture and which can travel electronically to Palbox subscribers across the blockade imposed by Israeli authorities.
Palbox is most of all an act of solidarity with Palestinians. The proceeds from the sale of Palbox products go to the Northern California chapter of the International Solidarity Movement, which supports Palestinian nonviolent resistance against Israeli occupation, destruction and confiscation of Palestinian land and property and violation of Palestinian human rights.
Palbox is about world class Palestinian practitioners and teachers of Arabic calligraphy, from whom artist Katie Miranda learned her art while serving as a volunteer in the International Solidarity Movement, and which she reproduces for Palbox on sterling silver with semi-precious stones.
Palbox is a fundraising project of the International Solidarity Movement – Northern California, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution, EIN 20-5516191.
Find some of the individual items in Palbox at the website of International Solidarity Movement-Northern California: https://shop.ism-norcal.org/
Palestine Online Store
Website: http://palestineonlinestore.com
Books & Media: Films, Music, Posters & Maps, Cards
Solidarity Items: Kufiyehs, Bags, Shirts, Flag items, Pins, Wristbands, Stickers
Handcrafts: Art, Ceramics, Embroidery, Jewelry, Olivewood, Mother of Pearl
Grocery (Basket, Olive Oil, Foods, Aprons & Cookbooks)
Skin Care: Bath & Hair, Body Care, Facial Care, Soaps
Launched in December 2003, Palestine Online Store is an activist project dedicated to making Palestine-related materials more widely available and to increasing public awareness of the necessity for peace and justice for the Palestinian people. While the project started out with a focus on informational resources such as books and DVDs, it has expanded to include apparel, jewelry, handcrafted items, and food products. Whenever possible, we source these materials directly from Palestine, providing economic support to local farmers, artists, and others who struggle against unprecedented challenges. Our goals are to increase awareness of and connection with Palestine and to benefit the artisans, farmers and other producers/suppliers who remain steadfast in the motherland.
Informational resources, such as books and documentary films, are highly effective in raising awareness about the situation in Occupied Palestine. We encourage you to consider lending these resources to your friends, neighbors, and local schools, to help educate the public about the Palestinian cause.
Initially launched in Seattle, Washington, Palestine Online Store is now based in Austin, Texas. We’ve received and fulfilled orders from customers on all six continents (the one exception: Antartica), and we are grateful to have achieved this global reach.
Resistance Art
Website: http://www.resistanceart.com/
PRODUCTS: Calendars, Books, Greeting Cards, Posters
Resistance Art is an initiative dedicated to celebrate the diversity and richness of Palestinian art and culture. It was founded in 2003, and is located in Toronto, Canada. The initiative was started as an individual effort, and it has been extremely rewarding on all levels. We connected with people all over the world who are concerned with art and
cultural exchange; we started a dialogue with different groups to cooperate on a variety of Palestinian cultural projects; we helped expose the work of Palestinian artists to the World; and we raised some funds to support cultural organization in Palestine and the Diaspora.
Our Palestinian Art products currently include Wall Calendars, Posters, Books and Greeting Cards. We will be regularly introducing new items such as bookmarks, T-shirts, and a variety of Palestinian Art stationeries. We will continue to channel a percentage of the proceeds from all our current and future projects to Palestinian cultural organizations and to help support local artists.
“Palestine: Land and People” 2017 Calendar
More Calendars – see all their calendars full of beautiful artwork, going back to 2004
Greeting Cards
Sindyanna of Galilee
Website: http://www.sindyanna.com
See places to buy products: http://www.sindyanna.com/where-to-buy/
Contact Sindyanna on their website: http://www.sindyanna.com/contact-us/
Welcome to Sindyanna of Galilee, a unique non-profit organization led by a team of Arab and Jewish women working to create social change from the ground up. Our goals are to produce outstanding olive oil and other premium food products, while enhancing Arab-Jewish cooperation, promoting Fair Trade, creating economic opportunities for Arab women, and assisting local growers and producers.
The multiple international and local awards we have received over the past few years attest to the quality, flavor and excellence of our wide range of extra virgin olive oils, including kosher and organic oils. Among our other Fair Trade products you can find delicious za’atar spice mix, carob syrup, almonds, honey and olive oil soaps, as well as traditional handicrafts including palm frond baskets and embroidery