Peace and justice advocacy for the people of the Holy Land is one of the most urgent and timely areas of social action for Christians today. If your church committee wants to advocate effectively for a just peace in the Holy Land, Palestine Portal has an abundance of information and materials to help you do that. You can find what is being done within your own denomination and by fellow Christians across the United States and around the world. You could start with the basics, such as learning about the BDS movement and why it is so important. Or, if you are already active on this issue, find specific campaigns and resources that meet your needs, interests and capabilities.
The Kairos Palestine Document
This landmark message from Christians in the Holy Land is the basis for most Israel/Palestine-related church justice advocacy in the US and around the world: an eloquent description of their lives under military occupation, a profound statement of faith, and an urgent call to action.
Denominations’ resolutions and other statements
Discover the position of your denomination and others regarding Israel/Palestine and what actions have been mandated.
What is BDS?
So much of today’s church-based justice action for the Holy Land is linked to the BDS movement: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. Find out what more about it and how you can participate.
Boycott campaigns
The “B” in BDS: Something that any individual can do themselves and encourage others to support. There are many dynamic boycott campaigns that church advocates can bring to and expand in their communities.
The “D” in BDS: This is probably the area of action that has seen the most focus and success in church-based advocacy in the US, and something that all church justice advocates need to know about.
Political Advocacy
This includes the “S” in BDS and more: Sanctions are usually understood as government sanctions, but political advocacy can go beyond calling for this type of government action. Advocating for and achieving U.S. policies that champion universal human rights and the enforcement international law in Israel/Palestine is perhaps the most crucial work needed today to achieve a just peace in the future. Find out how church advocates are addressing this need.
Promote Palestine Fair Trade
Organizing a fair trade market/bazaar is a practical way to help a people in need that participants will enjoy and where they can find useful gifts, etc.
Guides and Toolkits
A diverse collection of “How To” resources to assist you in justice advocacy, from organizing a meeting to engaging elected officials, and much more.
Films with Study Guides
One of the best ways to reach any group and motivate them to take action – show a movie! Here we have some that come with their own study guides.
In our Resource Directory, we have many other excellent films that can lead to a lively discussion.
World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel (WWPPI)
An annual global event organized by the World Council of Churches that provides an excellent opportunity to bring the Holy Land to your congregation or community, with as little or as much emphasis as you would like.
Palestinian Programs to support
There are many ways to help the people of Palestine, including supporting their own efforts to organize within their communities, provide vital services and more.
Denominations’ missions work in Palestine
See what your church and others are doing on the ground in the Holy Land, and connect with these vital missions personnel and programs.
Prayer vigils – in Prayers, Litanies and Liturgies and other materials in Congregational Life
These materials can help you to bring awareness of the current situation in the Holy Land into your group’s worship and devotional experience.
Do you have suggestions for other things in Palestine Portal that should be listed here?
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