If you want to understand what is behind the headlines from the Middle East and grasp the essential issues that underlie current events, Palestine Portal can help. The following areas of the website will introduce you to some of the essential subjects that an informed citizen – and any aspiring peacemaker – should discover.
Israel/Palestine: The Basics –
Maps: Ottoman Empire through 1949
Maps: 1967 to present
Maps: Loss of Land
As the heading suggests, these materials address basic information that we need in order to understand what is happening today in the Holy Land and how we arrived at the current situation. We have simple introductory materials as well as more in-depth resources for those who want to dig deeper.
International Law
To understand the fundamental justice issues in Israel/Palestine, it is crucial to learn how international law applies to this conflict.
The Kairos Palestine Document
This landmark message from Christians in the Holy Land is the basis for most Israel/Palestine-related church justice advocacy in the US and around the world: an eloquent description of their lives under military occupation, a profound statement of faith, and an urgent call to action.
The Occupation
Ending the Israeli occupation has taken front and center in church-based advocacy. Learn how it started and the massive colonialist enterprise it has become today.
The Settlements
The central feature of the Israeli occupation, from which flow so many other justice issues, the settlements are required knowledge for those who want to understand what is happening in the Holy Land.
One of the most compelling specific issues in Israel/Palestine is what is happening to Palestinian children. Learn how they grow up under occupation and what we can do to advocate for them.
What is BDS?
So much of today’s church-based justice action for the Holy Land is linked to the BDS movement. Find out what that is and how you can participate.
Interfaith Issues
Addressing the concerns that so many Christians have, when asked to take meaningful actions for justice in the Holy Land, about the impact those actions will have on relationships within and beyond their community and their denomination.
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