Scroll down the page to see our global map.
Calls for solidarity with the Palestinian people, in particular the Kairos Palestine Document and movement from the Christians of Palestine, has generated a global church response to the Palestinian cause, including the global network of Friends of Sabeel groups and new Kairos organizations in several countries who are answering the Palestinian call while standing squarely in the contexts of their own local cultural and political struggles.
Denominational and ecumenical groups have produced powerful theological statements in the liberation theology tradition, proclaiming their faith-grounded solidarity with the nonviolent struggle of Palestinians for equal rights and dignity in the face of over half a century of dispossession and denial of fundamental human rights.
Use the map below to learn about this expanding global network. Use the plus and minus buttons in the lower right corner of the map to zoom in and out. Click and drag to move around the map and then zoom in. A blue circle with a number indicates multiple listings in a particular geographical area. Double clicking on the number will zoom in so you can see them.
A listing of the organizations on the map is found below the map. Please contact us with information about groups or movements not posted here: [email protected]
Click the pins on the map for information and contacts.
For organizations in specific denominations, see the menu, top left on this page.
Kairos Nigeria
Kairos Southern Africa
Kairos Palestine (Israel/Palestine)
Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center (Israel/Palestine)
Indian Solidarity Ecumenical Network
Indo-Palestine Solidarity Network
Kairos Sri Lanka
Global Kairos Asia-Pacific Solidarity for Palestine
Friends of Sabeel Australia
Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network (PIEN)
Friends of Sabeel Ireland
Kairos Ireland (Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland)
Sabeel-Kairos UK
Friends of Sabeel France
Friends of Sabeel Germany
Kairos Palestine Solidarity Network Germany
Kairos Palestine Appeal Switzerland
Kairo Netherlands
Friends of Sabeel Norway
Friends of Sabeel Sweden
Kairos Palestine – Sweden
Canadian Friends of Sabeel
United for Justice & Peace in Palestine & Israel (UNJPPI)
Friends of Sabeel North America (USA)
Kairos USA
Kairos Palestina Brasil