You can support the Palestinian economy by organizing a bazaar or craft fair for your congregation or community. Palestinian products are some of the finest in the world, produced with skills and traditions handed down for many generations. There are a wide range of products that may be ordered online and at reasonable prices. They include beautiful glass art objects, intricate embroidery, carved olive wood figurines, delicious olive oil, olive tapenade and other food items.
Numerous fair trade organizations assist Palestinian crafts people and farmers in making their products available to the world. In some cases, you can order products that have already been imported to the U.S. or, with a little more advance planning, you can order directly from Palestine.
The Advent and Christmas season is a particularly good time for such fairs, especially for a church congregation, when their thoughts are on Bethlehem and also are doing a lot of shopping for gifts. What could be better than a unique Christmas present from the Holy Land!
See our Shop Palestine page for some sources of Palestinian products. You should contact them directly at their websites to inquire about wholesale prices and how to order the inventory you will need for your bazaar or market.
Please send us your suggestions for other sources of products and ways to promote Palestinian products in our communities. Contact us at: [email protected].
Source: Israel/Palestine Mission Network (IPMN)
Display and sell products at Craft Fairs in churches, malls, presbytery meetings, women—gatherings and in other special events in your community.
- Hold House Parties in your neighborhood or with friends.
- Start a study group before selling to learn about traditional Palestinian works of art that identify the people and are symbols of life and hope for them.
- If you have a fair trade coffee cart on Sundays, add fair trade Olive Oil and small inexpensive Palestinian crafts.
- Once a month feature a Palestinian craft as a gift for birthdays, anniversaries.
- In larger churches, create a gift shop with items from many different countries.
- In your Church Newsletter:- feature a particular craft article with its history and personal stories.- feature an article on olive trees in Palestine.
- Put pictures of Palestinian Crafts on the bulletin board, especially in October, November and December before an alternative market or holiday craft fair.
- Use olive wood candles for monthly Prayer Vigil for Peace in the Middle East on the date assigned for your state
- Adopt an artisan to help sell their products.
- Cooperate with other churches and organizations to sell crafts at fairs around the community.