United Methodists for Kairos Response
United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR) is an international, grassroots movement of laity and clergy answering the urgent call of Palestinian Christians, in Kairos Palestine: A Moment of Truth, for effective action to end the Israeli occupation and achieve a just peace in the Holy Land. UMKR seeks – through nonviolent action and in partnership with our Palestinian sisters and brothers in Christ – freedom, justice and equality for all Palestinians and Israelis.
Contact: [email protected]
Website: www.kairosresponse.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/UMKairosResponse
Twitter: @UMKairosResp
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General Board of Church and Society
The General Board of Church and Society (GBCS) is one of four international general program boards of The United Methodist Church. The General Board has headquarters on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. and at the Church Center for the United Nations in New York City. The General Secretary of the Board is Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe.
The General Board is defined by its five areas of ministry: (1) Public Witness and Advocacy (2) Administration (3) Ministry of Resourcing Congregational Life, (4)United Nations Ministry, (5) Communications.
…The message of salvation brought by Jesus Christ binds us together as a people and sends us forth to bring healing in the midst of strife, justice in the midst of brokenness, and love in the midst of hate. As United Methodists, we are called to invite people to enter into a community of faith responsive to a vision of justice ministries that is biblically and theologically grounded, and to invite United Methodist congregations to play a prophetic role in bringing God’s vision to reality. Our mission is to advocate the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the church and society.
Contact: Mark Harrison, Director of the Peace with Justice Program [email protected]
Website: umcjustice.org
General Board of Global Ministries
The General Board of Global Ministries (GBGM) is the global mission agency of The United Methodist Church. As a biblically rooted and historically informed organization, Global Ministries facilitates engagement in God’s mission. As part of Global Ministries, the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to alleviating human suffering around the globe
PURPOSE: Connecting the Church in mission
VISION: The General Board of Global Ministries equips and transforms people and places for God’s mission around the world.
• Make disciples of Jesus Christ
• Strengthen, develop and renew Christian congregations and communities
• Alleviate human suffering
• Seek justice, freedom and peace
Global Ministries recruits, places and supports missionaries from different countries, with varying cultures in different kinds of ministries. Global Ministries works with mission volunteers; promotes and oversees new mission initiatives; cultivates and maintains relationships with United Methodist conferences, churches and mission partners worldwide; and works with a number of racial/ethnic, community-based and youth-oriented ministries.
Contact: David Wildman, Executive Secretary, Middle East, Human Rights, & Racial Justice [email protected]
Website: www.umcmission.org/Explore-Our-Work/Middle-East
Methodist Federation for Social Action
“Where Progressive United Methodists connect with one another and turn their faith into action.”
MFSA mobilizes clergy and laity within The United Methodist Church to take action on issues of peace, poverty and people’s rights within the church, the nation and the world.
Working primarily through the ministries of the United Methodist Church, MFSA supports and augments peace and justice ministries at the local, conference, and national levels. As an independent organization, we call our church to expand its understanding of the radical call of the Gospel to be the inclusive, justice-seeking, risk-taking Body of Christ.
MFSA lives out our belief that to be faithful witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to be involved in the transformation of the social order.
See MFSA’s Theological Affirmation
See MFSA’s Program Priorities
Founded in 1907, MFSA has a remarkable history over the last century.
Contact: [email protected]
Website: http://mfsaweb.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MFSAVoices
Twitter: @MFSAVoices