Friends of Sabeel France is an ecumenical association created in June 2010. Like other associations of Friends of Sabeel in a dozen countries, “Friends of Sabeel France” aims to develop solidarity links with the churches present in Palestine-Israel, some since the very early days of Christianity. It pursues the following objectives:
• disseminate and make known in France, and especially in the churches of France, the theological reflection and the testimony of the Christians and churches of Palestine-Israel.
• contribute to the accompaniment of the Palestinian Christian community in its nonviolent mission of justice and peace.
• develop personal links with the Sabeel network, in Jerusalem as well as in Nazareth, by visits of Palestinian Christians in France, and visits of French Christians in Palestine-Israel.
• support the projects and meet the needs of the Sabeel Center and the Palestinian churches, as an instrument of fraternal relations between the Christians of France and the Christians and churches of Palestine-Israel.
• foster theological dialogue with Muslims and Jews, particularly with regard to justice and peace.
See also:
Email: [email protected]
Ernest Reichert
President, Friends of Sabeel in France
12, rue de Kirchberg
F- 67290 Wingen S/Moder – France
Tel: +33 (0)3 88 89 43 05