• Another Story Heard:
A Bibliography of Resources about Palestinians for Children and Youth
• Palestine Teaching Trunk
Another Story Heard:
A Bibliography of Resources about Palestinians for Children and Youth
From United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network (UCCPIN)
Download this resource, 40pp
See it at the UCCPIN website, where you can select among these contents:
From the Introduction:
“The Bibliography is intended to expand our points of view on the lives and experiences of Palestinians in Israel/Palestine post-1948 among children and youth. Stories about Palestinians have not been heard or studied often in classrooms, churches, synagogues, and community settings in the United States. It is our hope that this Bibliography will contribute to the growing movement to challenge those omissions….
“The Bibliography includes picture books for the very young, chapter books for elementary and middle school children, novels, memoirs, graphic novels for high school youth, as well as curriculum materials for parents and teachers. It also includes selected videos and films that are appropriate for children and/or youth, prekindergarten through high school….
“We hope that our audience includes families, clergy, rabbis, imams and their congregations as well as youth groups, Sunday School teachers, secular teachers and students in schools. We invite peace and justice organizations to explore how they may use these resources with children and youth and share them with their stakeholders and communities. We hope that this list will grow as we add more rich and compelling resources to the more than 70 provided here.
“Each entry provides a descriptive overview of the content, format, length, and general age category for the resource. It then offers a brief assessment and how the material might be used. Writer Anne LaMott says that stories are flashlights. We hope that these stories shed some light and engage future generations in their own stories of hope, dignity and peace.”
Download Another Story Heard
Palestine Teaching Trunk
Website: https://palestinett.org
For more information and to borrow the trunk: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/palestineteachingtrunk/
Elements of this collection are also featured on other pages of Palestine Portal, such as Films with Study Guides.
Palestine Teaching Trunk is a portable box of teaching materials that was made available for teachers in Washington state high schools for two to six weeks at a time at no charge. This large trunk contains lesson plans, four units (CBAs) of curriculum, posters, maps, artifacts, class sets of novels, books, and DVDs about Palestinian culture and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
The Palestine Teaching Trunk’s basic premise is that this is neither an ancient nor a religious conflict; this is a modern conflict over land, power, and equal treatment. Some lessons present two sides to the conflict, and some lessons present the human rights violations that occur under occupation. If you need more of one or the other, you can find many more materials in the Trunk (www.palestinett.org). Email us ([email protected]) with any questions and for help finding what you’re looking for. We want to empower teachers to teach about a conflict which affects all of us wherever we live.
How some educators have described the Trunk:
“comprehensive”, “develops critical thinking”, “makes it possible for students to hear silenced Palestinian voices, along with Israeli voices”, “exposure to both sides of the conflict”, “very useful to Social Studies teachers”, “diverse, well-chosen, nuanced materials.”
About the Palestine Teaching Trunk
Mondoweiss Article:
Institute for Middle East Understanding Article:
Press Release with Endorsements for the Trunk:
Highlights: Two-week unit of the Teaching Trunk
Some of the most thought-provoking and active lessons from the Trunk, compiled into a 2-week unit of study. Includes an updated Occupation Game, soldiers writings, a role play based on the movie Promises, a Wall activity, a reading with Black Lives Matter activists discussing similarities with Palestinians living under occupation, and maps. Appropriate for any high school class and level. Because it requires reading, writing, discussing and listening, and because it requires deep critical thinking about essential questions, this unit meets social studies standards.
Download this resource (PDF, 55 pp)
See also a one day Introduction to Palestine for Elementary School
The Full Palestine Teaching Trunk
Find and Download these resources. These include:
1. Letter to Educators
2. Letter to Parents
3. National Council for the Social Studies Ten Themes – Excerpts
4. Washington State Standards
5. The Lessons at a Glance — tables of contents/calendars for all four units
6. Maps Descriptions
7. Resources — websites for further student research
8. Evaluation
Note: with all the downloadable files provided online and by acquiring the books and films from other sources, anyone can compile a Teaching Trunk themselves.
CONNECTIONS to the National Council for Social Studies C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards and to Common Core Literacy Standards – PDF, 8pp
Find the Main Curriculum here. This includes:
• Causes of Conflict CBA: Israel-Palestine. Recommended for 9th and 10th grade.
• Dig Deep Classroom Based Assessment (CBA): Palestine-Israel: The Effects of Occupation. Recommended for 11th grade
• Cultural Interactions CBA: Palestinians: The Effects of Diaspora. Recommended for 12th grade
• Literature Circles: Literature About Palestinians Under Occupation. Recommended for middle school or high school.
Find these resources here. These include:
• Promises Role Play & Peace Conference: a culminating activity for any middle or high school curriculum by Bill Bigelow (PDF, 13 pp 84 KB)
• Book Groupings for individual titles in the Trunk
• Additional Lessons
Roots Run Deep, Three Wishes, Introductory Stations (Combining Several Trunk Lessons into One Day of Stations), Identifying Different Viewpoints (2012 Gaza Attacks & UN Vote & Settlements), Mornings in Jenin/Scar of David, Empathy Poem & Map of Gaza/Seattle.
• Elementary School: 1-Day Introduction to Palestine
• Glossary of Terms
Also in Additional Activities:
Movies, Games & Study Guides: Find these resources here
- Including:
1. Budrus DVD Study Guide: nonviolent Palestinian resistance to the Wall
2. Free Running Gaza short film (online) Study Guide: parkouring sport/art in Gaza & its obstacles
3. Freedom Flotillas short film (vimeo) Study Guide: explains Gaza blockade & nonviolent efforts to end it
4. Nakba Booklet & Study Guide: overview of Palestinian history
5. Occupation 101 DVD Study Guide
6. Occupation Game (large placards):
For ideas on how to use the Occupation Game, please see below the Literature Circles: Palestinians Under Occupation lesson on the Occupation Poem.
7. Occupation Game (small cards):
For ideas on how to use the Occupation Game, please see below the Literature Circles: Palestinians Under Occupation lesson on the Occupation Poem.
8. The Israeli Assault on Gaza 2008-09 (“Operation Cast Lead”): One Family in Gaza (short film online), article about UN Fact Finding Mission, Articles “The blockade on Gaza began long before Hamas came to power” by Mya Guarnieri & “Gaza on the Edge of No Return” by Amira Hass
9. Palestine for Beginners DVD Study Guide
10. Palestine is Still the Issue DVD Study Guide
11. Peace Propaganda & the Promised Land DVD Study Guide
12. Promises DVD Study Guide
13. Slingshot Hip Hop DVD Study Guide
14. The Children of Ibdaa DVD & Palestinians magazine Study Guide & 2 articles on Palestinian villages inside Israel Download this (PDF, 7pp)
15. The Iron Wall DVD Study Guide & Occupation lyrics (song by David Rovics played at the end of the movie)
16. The Land Speaks Arabic DVD Study Guide & In Search of Peace (Part 1) DVD Study Guide: Competing Narratives of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict
17. The Wall lesson: youtube documentary & activity suggestions
18. Roadmap to Israeli Apartheid: 10 minute trailer that compares South African Apartheid to Israeli Apartheid, Study Guide also contains directions for the counter-argument Is Israel an Apartheid State? (7 minutes).
Find all the maps here. Maps on that page:
Basic Maps
Disappearing Palestine Maps
Maps – Gaza
Maps – Pre 1948
Maps – Post 1948
Find these resources here
Other Teaching Resources outside the Trunk
Comprehensive curriculum includes: PRIME/Side by Side, ProCon, Choices, Council for Arab-British Understanding, Palestine Education Project, Nakba Education Project.
Links with information about specific aspects of the conflict include: iNakba, 1896 film footage, Voices Across the Divide, Israel from Bumper to Bumper, Six-minute Israel/Palestine 101 video, Maps of Palestinian Refugee Camps.
Speakers on All Sides for Your Classroom