Formerly Interfaith Peace-Builders
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About Eyewitness Palestine Delegations
Our delegations are the core of Eyewitness Palestine’s work. We started our delegation program in 2000 because we believed that justice in Israel/Palestine does not need to be complex. We started the program because Israelis and Palestinians invited us into their homes, offices, and places of worship to learn from them about their lives.
Today, our delegations continue as a testament to the transformative power of learning directly from those living in Israel/Palestine. Delegations expose participants to perspectives that are not readily available in North America. Meetings with diverse representatives of Palestinian and Israeli society focus particularly on those working for justice.
Delegates see the Wall, checkpoints, and demolished homes and learn how these and much more affect Palestinians. Likewise, delegates hear from Israelis about the effects of the conflict on Israeli society. The experiential learning that the delegation fosters is intended to motivate action for change when delegates return. Eyewitness Palestine provides materials, support, and mentoring to help returning delegates make the most of their experience.
Eyewitness Palestine delegations are 13 days long and include a unique pre-trip orientation in Washington, DC. Delegations cost around $2500 (less than $200 per day), which includes lodging, meetings, travel, and two meals a day. Financial aid is available.
No other delegation program matches our attention to detail. Each trip features unique meetings with those at the forefront of Palestinian and Israeli justice work.
You will:
• ATTEND a one-day pre-departure orientation in Washington DC.
• TRAVEL in the West Bank and Israel.
• SEE how the continuing Israeli occupation of Palestinian land and the current cycle of violence affect Palestinians and Israelis.
• LEARN from Palestinians about their nonviolent resistance to the occupation.
• MEET Israeli peace activists and learn about their work for a just end to the occupation.
• VISIT selected religious and cultural sites.
• STAY and/or visit Palestinian and Israeli homes, villages, farms, or cultural centers (1-3 nights).
• DIALOGUE with Israelis and Palestinians who have a variety of cultural, religious, & political perspectives.
• STUDY the conflict with experienced delegation leaders and professional local guides.
• EXAMINE the US role in the conflict.
After the Trip
The delegation isn’t over on the last day. Eyewitness Palestine’s unique follow-up program is an innovative addition to standard delegation programming. Our expert staff provides support to help you:
• ENGAGE with Eyewitness Palestine staff who offer professional support for your speaking events, media work and other efforts.
• BENEFIT from Eyewitness Palestine’s Education and Advocacy Program including resources and skills training for media advocacy, congressional engagement and outreach efforts in your local community.
• RECEIVE action alerts and additional means for continued activism.
• ACCESS Eyewitness Palestine’s educational resources on the conflict.
• MAINTAIN sustained contact with delegation alums.
• JOIN a growing movement for peace with justice in Israel/Palestine.
About Delegation Themes
All delegations are designed to give a broad exposure to the most important issues on the ground in Israel/Palestine today. Additionally, many of our upcoming delegations offer themes, like “olive harvest” or “meet the peacemakers.” Themed delegations focus on these areas, but most of the meetings, travel schedules, and delegation experiences are similar from one delegation to another. As a general rule of thumb, we say that about 80% of delegation activities are similar from one delegation to another, while 20% will focus on the specific themes of any one delegation.