Swedish Clergy Letter – May 2021

Letter from Swedish Christian Leaders to Israel’s Supreme Court and Attorney General

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Sweden, 31st of May 2021

The Justices of the Supreme Court in Israel
And Attorney general Mr Avichai Mandelblit
Fax: 0097226759648 and 0097222467001
Re. cases 2401/21+ 2841/21

Dear Sirs/Madams,

We write to you in respect of your ministry to judge fairly and with impunity
and justice. We write to you as we are concerned with the following situation in
Israel (and Palestine):

The threatening evictions of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem, e.g. in
Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan.

We would like to remind you that International Law requires that East Jerusalem
is seen as Occupied Territory with the Fourth Geneva Convention applicable.

This means that the occupation forces are not allowed to change the State of
affairs of the Occupied Territory. And it is illegal to settle civilian populations in
territories that have been militarily occupied.

Of course, we are aware, that Israel does not adhere to International Law in this
case, but we still feel obliged to insist on a world order that is to be applied to all
countries and situations.

However, given that International Law might not be respected, are there other
arguments that could be important for a Judge in Israel to consider?

– You have the basic law of equality before the law. This means that all are
treated equally. This means also that there is no possibility for Palestinians to
regain their property in West Jerusalem.

– In fairness, how could you desire Jewish settlers to be favored in such a
painful way in East Jerusalem? However, if you do not pay attention to the
imagination of equality before the law, what could reach your heart?

– Every person has a right to his or her home.

– Jewish children, women and men in a country as Sweden witness about
suffering, when injustices are displayed in the conflict regarding land in
Israel/Palestine. Unjustly, these Jewish children and their families are sometimes
blamed for the atrocities of Israel, and of the settlers and their support from the
State of Israel. In defense of freedom of Religion and opposing incitements of
one religious group against the other, “Kippah walks” are manifested in Sweden
by Christians, Moslems and Jews together in solidarity.

Could you imagine that what you are ruling in Israel is felt with pain in Sweden
and – we have reason to fear – also around the world?

Our last argument is a plea to your Jewish roots in the Prophets in the Torah:
“But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!”
(Amos 5:24). The Palestinian people are poor in rights. As Judges in the
Tradition of the Torah, you are obliged to care for Justice for the Poor and
Oppressed, especially for those who are without rights.

May G-d bless your ministry!

Sune Fahlgren, Rev. Dr., Uniting Church of Sweden,
Docent Uppsala University.
Anna Karin Hammar, Rev. Dr., Church of Sweden
Kjell Jonasson, Rev., Church of Sweden
Lena Lönnqvist, Rector em., Uniting Church of Sweden
Kristina Tyrberg, Rev., Church of Sweden

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